Lives that teach: Biography as pedagogy

Lives that teach: Biography as pedagogy

All stories have the potential to hold wisdom that can offer us instruction on how to live. This holds true not just for the myths and the great works of literature, but also for the stories of great lives. The following is the story of the life of a great poet, who...
Stories that teach: cautionary tales

Stories that teach: cautionary tales

Myths and folk tales can be understood as the repositories of the wisdom of the people. Folktales often grew out of times of crisis and upheaval, a therapeutic endeavour to help people make sense of and integrate extreme experiences. A function of story is the it...
Bildungsroman: Stories of transformation

Bildungsroman: Stories of transformation

“One of the best ways to start answering questions such as “who am I?” and “what can I do in the world?” is to read books.” – Meg Rosoff A bildungsroman is a genre of story-telling that is educative in nature. Popularised as a ‘coming of age’ story...