Contemplative inquiry: Content to context part 2

Contemplative inquiry: Content to context part 2

Our attention is drawn towards objects in the world rather than the space in which objects arise. The same is true in the mind. We notice the traffic in the mind (thoughts, emotions, sensations), rather than the road on which the traffic is moving (awareness). When we...
Contemplative inquiry: Shifting from content to context

Contemplative inquiry: Shifting from content to context

We can create a shift in awareness by moving from the contents of consciousness to consciousness itself. Or put another way, moving from content to context. The contents are the objects that we are aware of, while the context is the space in which the contents are...
Contemplative inquiry: What am I aware of?

Contemplative inquiry: What am I aware of?

The internal landscape, or mindscape, is made up of many different contents of consciousness: thoughts, images, desires, memories, sensations, feelings, emotions. In any moment we can explore these internal phenomena by turning the light of awareness inwards and...