Nature-fulfilment theory: The pursuit of human excellence

Nature-fulfilment theory: The pursuit of human excellence

Abraham Maslow describes the aim of a humanistic education as self-actualisation, or, another way of understanding this much used but often misunderstood concept, becoming fully human. This means “the development of the fullest height that the human species can stand...
Identity and purpose: The essentials of education

Identity and purpose: The essentials of education

In a society that puts such value on efficiency and productivity we are often quite resistant to the practice of deep contemplation, specifically contemplating the why of things, questioning the reasons that we do what we do. Why(!) is this? Why questions are...
Integration: The essence of health

Integration: The essence of health

How does a system thrive and flourish? What makes a system healthy? A folktale from the Philippines tells of a large family that lived in a large palm tree house. One day the different members of the family began to argue about who was the most important member. Soon...
The making of meaningful moments

The making of meaningful moments

“I sat, a solitary man, In a crowded London shop, An open book and empty cup On the marble table-top. While on the shop and street I gazed My body of a sudden blazed; And twenty minutes more or less It seemed, so great my happiness, That I was blessed and could...